NIssequogue River State Park
Date of Notice: November 23, 2022
Lead Agency: New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation (OPRHP)
Title of Action: Adoption and Implementation of a Master Plan for Nissequogue River State Park SEQR Status: Type I
Location of Action: Nissequogue River State Park is located in the Hamlet of Kings Park, Town of Smithtown, Suffolk County, NY.
This Notice is issued pursuant to Part 617 of the implementing regulations pertaining to Article 8 (State Environmental Quality Review) of the Environmental Conservation Law.
OPRHP, as lead agency, has determined that the adoption and implementation of a Master Plan for Nissequogue River State Park may have asignificant effect on the environment. As a result, a Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) has been prepared. Copies of the Draft Master Plan and DEIS are now available for public review and comment.
A public meeting on the Draft Master Plan and DEIS will be hosted online Tuesday, December 13, 2022, at 6:00 p.m. The meeting will berecorded and made publicly available. During the meeting, a presentation will be made about the Plan and DEIS and presenters will be available to receive verbal comments after the presentation. Free registration in advance of the online meeting will be required in order to attend. To register, please fill out the registration with this link:
OPRHP encourages the public to participate in the online public meeting and welcomes all comments on the draft documents. An online version of the Draft Master Plan and DEIS is available at the following publicly accessible website: https://parks.ny.gov/inside-our-agency/master-plans.aspx. Non-digital copies of the documents can be obtained from the Agency Contacts listed below. The documents arealso available for review at the Long Island Regional Office, 625 Belmont Ave, West Babylon, NY.
Persons may provide comments by email or in writing no later than the end of the public comment period, close of business, Friday, January 20, 2023. Comments may be submitted to NissequogueRiver.plan@parks.ny.gov or mailed to the Agency Contacts below.
Following the public comment period, OPRHP will prepare and post a Final Master Plan and Final Environmental Impact Statement.
Agency Contacts:
Nicole Garofolo, Environmental Analyst Long Island Region
NYS Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation
Long Island Region
P.O. Box 247
Babylon, NY 11702
Diana Carter, Assistant Division Director for Planning
Division of Environmental Stewardship and Planning
NYS Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation 625 Broadway Albany, NY 12238
Open the below PDF in order to learn about what New York State Parks and Recreation has planned for the Nissequogue River State Park
The Long Island Region of the New York State Office of Parks, Recreation, and Historic Preservation invites members of the public to attend on site for an informational meeting regarding the Nissequogue River State Park Master Plan. Parks and Design Team members will be on site to share community survey results and present early concepts of the forthcoming Master Plan.
Saturday October 16, 2021
Raindate: Saturday October 23, 2021
On Feb. 3, 2021 the NYS Dept. of Parks and Recreation presented an initial plan for the future of the park and former KPSH grounds. Below you can view the presentation as well as the informational packet. Lastly, the last link is a survey asking your input. Survey is active until Feb. 17.
Note: When clicking on the below links you will be taken you to a new window.
View the Zoom call presentation
View the Recreational Needs Assessment
Interested parties have until February 17 to fill out the Recreational Needs Assessment survey.