This page is dedicated to answering your questions. If you do have a question that is not listed here you can go to CONTACTS >>> Contact FSA . In that email please let us know if it is okay to post your question here, and if so, can we use your name? We welcome your contributions.
Q - When do I pay my annual membership?
A - Our newsletter will be going out in February.
Enclosed will be the membership forms.
Q - How can I get involved in helping our community?
A - There are several ways you can help, depending on how involved you want to get.
1. There are a coupe of positions that need to be filled on our board of directors.
2. We hold events throughout the year. If you would like to help out for 1 or 2 of these events.
Your help would be greatly appreciated.
Q - Who should I contact if I have a problem?
A - On the top menu, click on CONTACTS and then click on the respective item in the dropdown menu.
If you do not see what you are looking for, you can contact our president, Keith Macartney.
His email: keithmacartney@icloud.com Phone: 631-525-3937 I am available daily until 10:30pm.
Q - How do I know if I live in Fort Salonga?
A - We have an old FS map up on the site on the bottom of the HOME PAGE.
In addition here is the map from the US Census, though not accurate (Fort Salonga is smaller).
By <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_Census_Bureau" class="extiw" title="en:United States Census Bureau">United States Census Bureau</a> - <a rel="nofollow" class="external free" href="http://factfinder.census.gov">http://factfinder.census.gov</a>, Public Domain, Link